Free Disney Movie Rewards Codes
Update: 25 Free Disney Rewards Points – Use the app to link your DMR and Facebook accounts and access your Disney Movie Rewards directly on Facebook.
Disney Movie Rewards is another program that you can earn points to redeem for prizes, similar to Pampers Gift to Grow codes. You can find codes when you buy Disney Movies as well as the occasional code online.
Below we have several codes that you should be able to enter after you sign up for an account. Prizes start for as low as 275 points, with a Snapfish photo book for 400 points.
If you are a new member use DUMBO or SPOOKY. These only work if you are a newly registered user!
New Code: DMR2MIL for 75 points
5 points each
DUSTY – 25 Points
pledge – 25 points
BOTHER– 10 points