Free KIDS ‘N’ PETS Cleaning Product – With Rebate

KIDS ‘N’ PETS is currently offering a free bottle of any cleaning products with a rebate. 

“Like” KIDS ‘N’ PETS on Facebook and click on the “FREE KNP” tab on the left side to get your rebate form.  Print out the form and send it in with your original store receipt for a full refund for any bottle of KIDS ‘N’ PETS cleaning products!  This offer expires 30 days after “liking” KIDS ‘N’ PETS, so don’t wait!   Be sure to use the name that is listed on your Facebook profile, as this will be compared to the rebate form once the company receives it. 

Limit of one rebate per person, family, household, business, or organization.  Valid in the US only.  Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of the rebate. 

This product can be found in more Walmart stores, click here to see if your local store carries it.

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