Free Skin Care Products from G-Maher *Scam*

I call this one a scam because they posted an offer and end date. It was shared on sites like mine, then today they blame us for their supply running out… instead of THANKING us. Isn’t that the whole point of free samples?

“In the past 2 days we received overwhelming response to our Free Samples promotion. This was posted on unrelated websites without our knowledge or consent. The promotion details were presented inaccurately through these sites. We will honor and ship out samples that can be fulfilled from our current inventory. If you placed an order we will contact you with the status. Please stay tuned for more details.”

For one, I don’t need consent. They posted a free promotion on Facebook. The main point of doing that on FACEBOOK is to get new fans etc. Second, I posted the details exactly from what their deal page had. I can not and do not promote businesses that blame others for their shortcomings. If they cannot offer all the samples, then say so. Don’t go blaming sites like mine and others for sending you thousands of new fans and sample requests.

This one is a little more work than just filling out your information, but definitely should be worth it.

Get up to 5 free samples of skin care products from G-Maher. First you must visit their Facebook deals tab, like them, and you will get a coupon code.

Then visit this page and add the free samples you want. At checkout enter in the coupon code and you will get the samples shipped free.

I had to create an account and add my card info, for some reason it wouldn’t let me process via Paypal. However your total will be $0.00.

The offer ends August 31st, 2011.

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