$5 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway – Part 2
Closed: Congrats to Tasha H. on winning. I should have some new ones to giveaway at the beginning of Jan! 🙂
Yesterday I gave away a $5 Amazon gift card, and here is one more. I wanted to say thank you to my new referrals as well, we got about 8 new referrals from yesterdays giveaway.
Using Swagbucks I was able to earn enough to get a few $5 Amazon gift cards…
That means I have a $5 Amazon gift card code to give away. By referring other people (you!) to Swagbucks I have been able to earn enough to get gift cards every month.
If you haven’t joined Swagbucks yet just click on the banner and sign up. Every time you use their search feature and find a Swagbuck, I earn one too. The more you earn, the more I earn, the more gift cards I can give away.
To Enter
You can comment as many times as you like, however you cannot comment back to back. Any entries like that will be deleted.
Please enter complete sentences, not just jibbery words. Yesterday we had a nice “chat” so don’t be shy
I have chosen a number, the comment with that # will win and I will email them the code. Make sure to comment with a valid email on the form.
Don’t worry if your comment goes to moderation, I will approve it.
After the # has been reached I will close the comments, so you know it’s over. This time the “lucky number” won’t be 100.