Free $5 from Mezu App Download

Update: I no longer promote Mezu, they stopped paying out my referrals and people kept the money I sent, instead of sending it back. Instead I suggest:

Free $6 from Metal Pay
Free $5 from DVDendo

Seems like this app isn’t paying out the same way, they want you to link your bank before hand and even take a picture of your license.

First and download the free Mezu app for iOS or Android.

After you are all signed up, go to redeem and enter my code MATTH87. Let me know when you have completed the steps. When you are done and send me your phone number. I will add you as a contact and send the money that way, send it back to my number.

You can PM me on Facebook when you are ready!

I will send you $5 and you send it back. You will get your bonus!

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