Reader Feedback from Lonna

thank you

Pretty much through our Facebook page I have been able to grow out a great community with the help of all of our great ‘free sample friends’. I started it over a year ago and it has grown to nearly 25,000 members.

My main goal was to not only provide free samples I found and posted to my site, but also have an OPEN wall for other people to share. It’s more work to keep the spam at a minimum, but it’s definitely been worth it.

I have also been able to build relationships with our active members. Some I email daily about free samples, contests, or personal life. I have never really been personal on my own site until recently.

I have shared about my son, weight loss, projects, and different aspects of my life. Until recently some people didn’t even know the page was ran by a man. By doing so it not only makes me feel more connected to everyone, but I hope a better experience for you all.

I get thank you’s everyday, but it’s not necessary. This is something I enjoy and I am happy to be able to help everyone, as well as get stuff in the process. You saw my cookies right?

Lonna’s Email

Last week I got an email from Lonna Brown, who has become a pretty active member on Facebook. I thought I’d share it below.

Dear Matt,

I just wanted to send you an extra THANKS! for the $5 Amazon card code and also for posting the Club Penguin DS bundle. Using the $5 code that I won from you, I was able to get it for a mere $4.99! My daughter has been downright begging me for Club Penguin stuff so this will make a phenomenal Christmas present for her. She doesn’t know it yet, but she owes you a huge thanks. I’ll go ahead and thank you on her behalf! I will make sure to send you a picture of her with it once Christmas rolls around. You have totally made my day and as petty as it may seem at times, I really do appreciate EVERYthing you do for people you are not and never have been, obligated to help out. From my heart, I am so thankful for you and the time you spend letting us know about these special deals and giveaways. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 🙂

Lonna Brown

Just call me Free Samples Clause


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