Announcing Freebie Friday

We are always looking to expand our freebie blog and we want to do it by giving out free samples to our readers.

Every friday we will be giving away a free product sample of something that we received in the mail. We receive free samples everyday so I can’t imagine running out.


To be eligible for our free sample, you must be subscribed to our RSS feed through email. This way you will receive a daily email of what we post on this blog.

Every friday we will select one email address that is subscribed to win. So every week that you are subscribed you can win a free sample.

We will contact you via email for your address so we can send you the product.

To subscribe to our blog, make sure to enter your email on the sidebar. You MUST confirm your email address to be eligible for the prize.

This Fridays freebie will be an Arizona Iced Tea keychain.

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