Bertolli Class Action Settlement

>If you like to cook chances are you have purchased Bertolli Olive Oil in the past 8 years. There is currently a class action settlement about how their products were marketed. You can read about it on the settlement.

You can claim up to 5 bottles without receipts. You can click here and claim. The amount you will get back will vary, ranging $0.75 to $8.75 per bottle. If you have receipts you can claim as many as you have receipts for.

It will depend on what you purchased and the dates:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil purchased between May 23, 2010 through December 31, 2015 $1.75 per bottle or $8.75 depending on how many claim.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil purchased between January 1, 2016 through April 16, 2018 $0.75 or $3.75 each depending on how many claim.

Classico or Extra Light Olive Oil purchased between May 23, 2010 through December 31, 2015 $1.50 or $7.50 each depending on how many claim.

You have until 9/8/18 to file a claim. Remember to be patient, we won’t get a payment until at least next year. These take a while to get here.

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