Archive for the 'Food Sample' Category

Free Sample of Uncle Bens Rice

Rice can be a tough thing to cook and sometimes can take a while. You can always go with Uncle Ben’s rice that is ready in just 90 seconds. Get a free sample of Uncle Bens Ready Rice. Fill out this form to get your free sample. Limit one sample per household. Available for US […]

Free Sample of Teeccino Coffee Substitute

I actually received a box of the Vanilla Nut flavored Teeccino a while back to sample and review.  I’m not a big coffee drinker, but enjoy tea, and I have to say that this stuff wasn’t too bad, but definitely leans more towards the flavor of coffee, in my opinion.  Well here’s here’s your chance to try […]

Free Bagel with Cream Cheese at Bruegger’s *Today Only*

Today ONLY Bruegger’s is offering visitors a free bagel & cream cheese sandwich when you redeem this printable coupon. The coupon expires today, 3/24/11, so hurry in to your local Bruegger’s and treat yourself to breakfast (or lunch)!  Find your local Bruegger’s here. [author-box-2]

Free PowerBar ProteinPlus Bites Sample

“PowerBar ProteinPlus bites have a blend of whey, soy, and casein that helps provide sustained amino acid delivery. Take PowerBar ProteinPlus products after strength training to help build and repair muscle tissue.” Go here to register for your Free Sample. Expect it to arrive in the next 3-5 weeks. [author-box-2]

Another New Vocalpoint Offer!

Hurry over to Vocalpoint’s Facebook page and click on the Breve tab for their latest offer! This will take you to a link to register for a FREE pint of new Breve coffee creamer and 55¢ off coupons for friends. “Breve coffee creamer is made with real milk and cream so all you add is taste — […]

Free HappyBaby Product Coupon

“Like” Happy Family on Facebook, and click the “Gen Happy” tab on the left.  Click “Join Us” to take the Generation Happy Pledge.  Take the Happy family pledge and you’ll receive a coupon for a FREE HappyBaby Product. Not sure where to find HappyBaby products?  Find out if they’re sold in a grocery store near you. NOTE: If […]

Free Giveaway from Dairy Queen on March 9th

Update: They were pretty misleading with this one, I am sorry for those who wasted their time. Dairy Queen is celebrating the Mini Blizzard Treat and they’re going to be giving away tons of free stuff!  The event starts March 9, 2011, so be sure to check back to claim your free items!  When the giveaway goes live, make […]

Free Sample of Cheez-It Crackers

Haven’t had too many good free samples lately, but this one looks great. Visit the Cheez-It Facebook page, “like” them, and click on the “Choose Cheese” tab at the top of the page to get your free sample of Cheez-It Crackers! Once you click on the tab, vote for your favorite flavor, allow their app, […]

Free MuscleGel Sample

We’ve been seeing a lot of energy and diet related samples and this looks like it could be an interesting one to try. Fill out the form to get your free sample of MuscleGel from MusclePharm. Available in the US only. Thanks to Krystal Owens for sharing this on our Facebook page. [author-box-2]

Free Sierra Mist at QuickChek

I never have any of these locations near me that offer these freebies! Hopefully some of you can enjoy this one. Get a free 20 oz Sierra Mist at QuickChek. Just print out the coupon and take it to your local QuickChek location. Limit one per customer.

Free Smart for Life & underWAY Beverages

This looks like it could be a pretty tasty treat for those of you on a diet or in to health food; however it’s available in limited cities so only some of our members will qualify. Fill out the form to receive your coupon for a FREE Smart for Life Cookie and underWAY Beverage product.  […]

Free EcoNugenics Health Supplements Sample Pack

EcoNugenics is offering free samples when you sign up for their email newletter. Sign up to get free samples of their products, information about their company, founder and research, and a special gift exclusively for their community members! EcoNugenics® formulates unique health supplements designed to support the body during times of illness, and with specific, […]