Archive for the 'Free Samples for Women' Category

Free Sample of Womanity Fragrance

I love sharing free samples of perfumes and colognes. They are one of the most fun things to get. Get a free sample of Womanity fragrance. Go and fill out this form to get your freebie. I didn’t get any confirmation on this one, but it looks like it went through.

Free Sample of Forbidden Rose Perfume

Avril Lavigne has a new perfume out and you can try it for free. Get a free sample of Forbidden Rose perfume. Visit this site and click order your free sample now! The form is a little odd, but it went through fine. This freebie is valid for international orders too! So everyone should be […]

Free Sample of Murad Eye Illuminator

Makeup and other cosmetic freebies are always HOT and go pretty fast, so don’t miss this one. Get a free sample of Murad Eye Illuminator. This instantly brightens the eye area with an illuminating violet formula that increases firmness by 50% in 15 minutes. The free sample size is 0.015fl oz. Limit one per person, […]

Free Covergirl Bronzer

This one should go fast, so hurry up! Get a free Covergirl Queen Collection Natural Hue Bronzer. Available while supplies last. Only valid for the first 20,000! Click here and you will see the ad on the right. THE LINK WILL TAKE YOU TO FACEBOOK! You need to look on the right hand side and […]

Free Sample of Degree Body Mist

I know some of you don’t like the Facebook freebies where you have to allow access to your profile. Well, this is one of those… Get a free sample of Degree Body Mist. Visit their Facebook page and like the page. Then click “get friend feed” and allow access. Fill out your information to get […]

Free Sample of Organyc Products and Coupon

Update: This one is back! Organyc is a company that offers organic pads, tampons and panty liners. Now you can try them free. Get a free sample pack of Organyc products. Limit one free sample pack per person, per household or address. Offer valid for US residents only. Offer expires October 31st, 2010 or while […]

Free Sample of Eternal Grace Perfume

Haven’t had too many perfume samples lately, but here is a brand new one. Get a free sample of Eternal Grace perfume. Just visit their Facebook page and fill out the form. You do have to “allow access” which I know some of you don’t like doing. You can always cancel that after you fill […]

Free Pregnancy Tests

Our Facebook fans suggested this one and said it is a legit offer, so here it is. Get any combination of 10 OPKS and pregnancy tests. You can select any combination that adds up to 10 total. There is a limit of the 10 per household, which should be plenty. A little note says they […]

Free Thong from American Apparel

The last time we did a political freebie, it was a bit of a fiasco. However, I want it to be known that I am a supporter of thongs. That is all. Get a free thong for signing up to the American Apparel newsletter. This is a bit unique, most places just give you the […]

Free Sample of Revlon Lipstick

The last time around I think this went too fast so I didn’t get a chance to share it. However I was told it was back and there is more available. Get a free Revlon lipstick. Share your goal at Walgreens and hit continue to fill out the form. My goal is to lose a […]

Free Nivea Body Wash with Coupon

While you are at Walmart scoring your free movie ticket make sure to bring the coupon in today’s Red Plum insert for Nivea. Bring the coupon to Walmart, buy Nivea Body Wash for women at $3.97 and it will be free at checkout. The coupon is for $4 off so it will make the item […]

Free Movie Ticket w/ Purchase

Apparently women like to enjoy going to the movies at ‘that time of the month’? Who knows but it results in a great deal. Get a free movie ticket on specially marked packages of Tampax Pearls or Always Ultra Pads. Visit Walmart and look for the specially marked packages. Once you purchase your feminine products […]