Archive for the 'Pet Samples' Category

Free Sample of Greenies Pet Treats

Now you can get a free sample of Greenies for your cat or dog. Just fill out the free sample form with your information and the type of pet you have.

Free Sample Of Happy Feet Biscuit Bistro Treats

Fill out the form to be added to the customer list and receive free sample of Happy Feet Biscuit treats. The treats are all natural made at home dog treats Only one free sample per address. Sign-up for a free sample.

Free Sample of Purina Cat Chow

I don’t have any pets, but I know that pet food can be costly. For certain pets it can also be difficult to find the right diet for them. Get a free sample of Healthful Life from Purina Cat Chow. This is just for adult cats. The free sample is from Walmart. “New Healthful Life […]

$8.00 Coupon on Iams Natural Dog Food

Calling all dog lovers? Free $8.00 coupon for Iams Natural Dog food. This is a new product for Iams, and they want to promote it. “Iams Healthy Naturals is formulated with nine natural ingredients to nourish each of your dog’s key systems. With no added fillers, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, Iams Healthy Naturals helps […]

FREE Scoopex

Tired of picking up poop? Yeah, I don’t really know what to write about this one. It’s good for dog owners though! Receive your FREE Scoopex 4-Pack! Fill out a short survey to receive your free sample.

Get Your Kitty Crack!

I’m not a cat owner, but this may be a perfect freebie for you. is giving away a free sample of their cat treats. Pur’fect Cat Treat or Kitty Crack as they call it, is a perfect “All Natural” highly nutritious cat treat. “Guaranteed to drive your cat nuts!”