Archive for the 'Sweepstakes and Instant Win Games' Category

iPod Shuffle Giveaway!!

FedEx just stopped by… and look what they brought us… Last week we got enough referrals to get a free iPod Shuffle from No More Rack. Their program only last 48 hours, but you guys help us refer enough. I can’t afford sponsoring giveaways like this, so when we are able to earn gift cards […]

Dr. Praeger’s Giveaway

We have another giveaway for you today, but let me tell you about the product(s) a bit first. With the Holidays coming it’s definitely a time to get lazy. Relax, enjoy family, and another important aspect, EAT. Last year we had a lot of free samples for healthier for you products pop up, and I […]

$10 Old Navy Gift Card Giveaway

Congrats Kelly F. Whew almost missed today’s giveaway! I got a little sidetracked but I am back! Here is one we earned through Shop It To Me. For referring 10 friends to their website you can earn a $10 gift card. Every time 10 friends sign-up you earn a gift card (limit 1,000 friends). Old […]

Old El Paso Giveaway

As some of you may know I live in San Diego, so we have some great Mexican food available, pretty much on every block. Also Mrs. Free Samples and her family are Mexican plus her mom is an awesome cook. On our taco nights we do most of the fun stuff from scratch (sauces etc). […]

Dealectible Deals for 12/18

We’ve been keeping you up to date with a few Amazon deals. The really hot items come and go, so here are some more finds. As usual Candace has provided us a great list of stuff! Even some Amazon deals that aren’t toys. Colorforms Super Why 3 – D Deluxe Play Set – $4.35 (reg. […]

Free Coupon Clearout Giveaway

Congrats Angela Hunnell, Andrea, Cyndi Butler, Melissa Reeves, and Melissa. Sometimes coupons are given out instead of sending the product. Generally it makes it a lot cheaper for the company to do so. Unfortunately some products are not easy to find. I have a few coupons for free products for todays giveaway. The coupons I […]

QT Crafts Child Watches Giveaway

Our giveaways continue! This is the perfect gift for a nice little stocking stuffer. Here is a little background. Kambre Smith has been a great member of our Facebook community for a while now. She also has a nice little online store, QT Crafts. I have been a Facebook fan of hers now for a […]

$10 Sephora Gift Card Giveaway

Even though I’m not feeling well, I’d feel worse breaking a promise. My goal has been to have at least one giveaway everyday. Well we don’t have one yet for today so here it is! This will be mainly for the night owls, it will only be open for the next 4 hours or so! […]

eBillme Gift Card Deals and 2 $25 Gift Card Giveaway

Gift cards are seemingly gaining more popularity as the years go on. Now people give them, trade them, use them, and buy them more than ever. We’ve been able to giveaway a lot of cards this year, but unfortunately not everyone can win. So what do you do if you buy them? eBillme has a […]

$10 Macy’s Gift Card Giveaway

You asked for this one next so here it is! I’ve been able to earn a few gift cards by sharing our Shop It To Me referral link on Facebook and Twitter as well as some of our email contacts. For referring just 10 friends to their website you earn a $10 gift card! The […]

4 $25 Gift Cards

I know the $5 Amazon gift cards isn’t a lot, but I like to offer as many winners as we can. Instead of doing 1 at $25, I like 5 at $5. It’s not going to get your WHOLE gift, but it may help. Good Luck! On top of that I wanted to offer up […]

Day 13 – Another Amazon Giveaway

Congrats Pat, Tammy, Kristy G. Lindsay, and Amy Bancroft! Well our daily giveaways for the “12 days of Christmas Giving” is over. However I have some gift cards and other prizes lined up so we should be able to do contests all the way up until Christmas! Every month we earn 5 $5 Amazon gift […]