Confession Time – I Committed A Freebie Fail
As some of you have read in the past I sponsored a few great ladies from Momdot to go on a blogging trip. In turn they plugged my site and other things as a thank you.
One blogger, Baby Good Buys, mentioned our site. One thing she included was the fact “The author of the site also doesn’t hold back when he has a bad experience with a freebie, coupon or deal he posted on his site: they’re very up front about expressing opinions on freebies that fail”.
I’ve written about Rite Aid, Dog Shampoo, and One Kings Lane all suffering a fail of some sort.
Well I should live up to that, even if I am writing about myself.
Blue Star Ointment
I started working with Blue Star Ointment a few weeks ago to help promote their brand by offering free samples to our readers. My team and I (Me, Mrs Free Samples, Free Samples JR and mostly my ‘sister in law’ Julie) worked very hard in hand writing most of the information on the envelopes. We put together at least 250 envelopes for the first batch.
Well a few days after I sent them out I got the worst news. Many of the people who received the sample from us received a damaged product. The mail sorter basically ripped open the sample making it impossible to use.
I had sent a test sample to myself to see if it was a problem and I received mine damage free. I should of tested it out to some of our freebie family to see if it went okay.
I have been really upset about this whole situation. I put in a lot of time to the site to make it grow, offer freebies from my own pocket, and just have a better experience for everyone.
Hand Cancel?
A lot of people recommended to send it hand cancelled. I have talked to several USPS people about this and I finally got someone who did it for me.
I sent out a test envelope with the product to someone who had it previously damaged. I hope this will be our solution for the next batch we have to go out!
I appreciate everyone who let me know about the problem and that weren’t angry with me about it. I am sorry for the inconveniance to everyone who had a damaged sample.
Some people mentioned that the sample damaged their coupon. Blue Star Ointment offers a $1 off printable coupon that you can use.