Cush Cushion Review and Coupon Code
Not only do I run this website and our social media pages, I also make and sell Lumpia. If you aren’t familiar with Lumpia it is basically a Filipino eggroll. It requires a lot of work, and mostly sitting.
With all of that uncomfortable sitting, I was happy to find the Cush Cushion. If you have a history of back pain, poor posture, long commutes, or sitting at work for a long period of time you should order one.
Cush Cushion
The first look at it got me a little confused, but made sense after sitting on it. It provides a nice cushion for your butt and legs. Just sitting on it for a few seconds you can definitely tell it will help!
The cushion isn’t a solution for back pain but it definitely makes a difference when you are sitting for a long period of time. I could tell the difference from using the product and the previous Lumpia sessions where I didn’t have the cushion. Sitting for hours at a time can do a number on your back and legs.
If you have a long commute this is a perfect solution. There are products for your neck that are everywhere. I haven’t really find those to help me very much. The Cush Cushion is just as convenient and will make you more comfortable.
For more information visit
10% Off Coupon Code
If you would like to purchase your own Cush Cushion you can find it on Amazon.
Add it to your cart and at checkout enter coupon code clubcush for 10% off. Shipping is free!