Free 1GB Creative Zen MP3 Player


This is one of those offers that they may pull once it gets out for free, however it’s worth a shot!

Get a free 1GB Creative Zen MP3 player. They just updated their Facebook with this status

Everyone Wins Wednesday! Music comes alive on the stage. Do you remember your first concert? Tell us about the experience! Who did you see, what year and where. Everyone who comments will receive a 1GB Creative Zen MP3 player. After you post, email your name and address to with the subject line EWW 7/7
(Please note: Limit one win per person, only open to U.S. addresses)

Visit the Napster Facebook page and get started! Let’s hope it comes.

Update: Due to the massive (and awesome) turnout, the Everyone Wins Contest is now closed! No submissions after this post will be accepted. If you posted a comment, make sure to send your info to, subject EWW 7/7

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