Free Bag of Hills Science Pet Food
Update: Some people are still having problems with this. I am sorry stores are giving you are a hard time. I would suggest showing them their coupon policy. It clearly states “Mobile Coupons on a mobile device must have a scanable barcode. These include: PetSmart coupons featuring a bouncing ball logo in the frame around barcode and starting with a 4.”
We just shared a few Petsmart coupons for free pet food about 2 weeks ago. For most people it was very successful. For some not so much. Today they issued another coupon you can try to take advantage of!
Get a free 5 Pound Bag of Hills Science Diet Dry Dog Food or 4 Pound Bag of Hills Science Dry Cat Food at Petsmart. It is valued up to $20!
Valid in store only. Print out the coupon and show it at the register. You MAY be able to show it on your phone, but if you can print it I would suggest that.
You do have to have a Petsmart rewards account, but it’s free to join. If you want to join before you go to the store, just click here and sign up.
The coupon is valid through September 6th.