Free $32 in Cryptocurrency on Coinbase

This one is valid for both new and existing members.

Get a free $10 in Stellar Lumens and/or EOS on Coinbase.

Click here, sign up, and watch the videos and take the quizzes. There are a total of 5 for $2 each. Even if you get the question wrong you can still guess again so you don’t really have to watch the videos.

You can also earn $10 in EOS as well. Same thing, just take the quizzes! Click here and get started.

Earn $12 in OXT after that! Simply click here and take the quizzes, you will get $4 per quiz. After that you can refer friends for an additional $40

You get the free money after each quiz. If you want to sell them for USD and cash out after you are can.

Refer friends to each and get up to $40 extra!

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