Free Gift Cards from Dealspotr
Dealspotr is a site where you can share and take advantage of deals. Plus for being active you can earn gift cards.
Join Dealspotr and start sharing deals. After you join here you get 5000 points for just signing up. Once you reach 10,000 points you will earn a free $10 Amazon gift card.
Each time you earn 10,000 points you can redeem for a gift card. Plus if you join under my referral link or enter in code ITSALLFREEONLINE when you join, I will vote for the deals you post! Make sure to confirm your email to get your bonus points.
After you join you can see my deals I’ve posted as well as vote for them!
Validate a Deal
Now for validating other deals that other users post you get points too. It basically is a way for them to keep the valid deals going and to get the expired ones out.
You simply check if the deal is still valid, take a screenshot and submit.
How Much Can I Make?
It all depends on how active you are. Obviously the more effort you put in, the deals you submit and validate the more points you will get.
Plus for each referral you will earn points when they share deals.
I’ve made anywhere from $20 to $200 in one month with Dealspotr.
Reader Reviews
Some of our readers have had some great success with Dealspotr and I asked them to share their experiences.
Hi, my name is Julie and I have been on dealsptor for a few months now. It’s a really amazing site that you can share/post deals, sales, coupons and things like that and get points, or karma as it’s called on dealsptr, then you can turn them in for Amazon gift cards. I really love it because it’s super easy to do. Every time I see a sale, fine a great deal or see a coupon to get something at an awesome price I post it on there. If you have a promo code for an item you get extra karma points. I have gotten $95 worth of Amazon gift cards so far which has really helped to get Christmas gifts for family and friends this year. I am so glad I signed up for this, it’s a great site.
Dealspotr has been a lot of fun for me, although it is very time-consuming. it saves you money, helps you network with people, and gives you rewards for doing it! I’ve earned $15 and am on my way to the $30 gift card. it has helped me to purchase cat food and litter for my furbaby, which helps a lot with my expenses!