Free Pound of Dog Treats at Petco

Update: It looks like they removed the coupon from their site. It doesn’t expire until 8/31 and I haven’t had a chance to redeem it yet. You can click here to save the coupon for them to scan. If it doesn’t work I would ask for a manager or write them via Facebook. I did this last time they didn’t honor a coupon and received $10 gift card in the mail.

There is another free coupon that has just been released!

Get a free pound of dog treats at Petco.

First you need to be a Petco rewards member. Membership is free and you can create an account if you aren’t a member.

After that go to the Petco store and visit the treat bar for your pound of treats. You can click here and display the coupon on your mobile device or print it.

The coupon expires 8/31.

Some people have had trouble with these in the past. This is an OFFICIAL coupon that is listed on their website.

If you have a cat don’t forget about the free 30 Pound Bucket of So Phresh Cat Litter.

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