Glowgirl Coupon Organizer Review and Giveaway

GlowGirl Fibers

Lately I have been clipping more coupons, as well as printing more to use for grocery shopping. Putting them in a ziploc bag isn’t much organization, so putting certain ones in separate pockets became my filing system during shopping trips. That was up until a week ago when I got my new coupon organizer from Glowgirl.

Coupon Organizer Review

Coupon OrganizerThe coupon organizer comes with everything you need to get started. I received a plain black one (“men’s style“), but there are plenty of cool designs to choose from.

Each organizer has the following features and accessories:

  • 20 blank tabs
  • Choice of 70 headings – peel and stick
  • Strap to secures to the grocery cart for hands free sorting

Yesterday I brought it on the first grocery shopping trip and it was a breeze! I went through the bag and put up a few coupons in my “using today” section, then looked through a bit during the trip. At checkout all of my coupons were right there and ready.

These coupon organizer’s run for $12 and are worth the money by far. It’s durable and within a few minutes you can have your coupon organizer set up just as you want it.

Free Shipping Code

Deb Christian (Glow Girl owner) was not only nice enough to send me one (and one to giveaway) but also offer a free shipping code for anyone who wants to buy from her online store. The code is a bit different, it’s a shipping refund code.

When you are buying the organizer just enter in code ItsAllFree in the “message to seller” when paying and you will get a refund of the shipping charges. Since the store is run through Etsy this is the easiest way to do it.

You should receive the refund in a few hours. The free shipping offer is valid for both US and CAN.

(Note you may also want to get some extra organizer cards for only $1.50, even though the free 20 is a lot I filled up mine fast! lol)

Coupon Organizer Giveaway

Congrats to Kristle Olson on winning.

As I mentioned I received this great product to review, since I thought most of our readers would be able to utilize this product. I was also graciously given an extra one to give away! Woohoo!

One winner will get to choose any coupon organizer design they would like.

Entry Rules

To enter visit the Glow Girl Shop and tell me which design you would like the best. After you do that, simply comment below with your answer. You MUST complete this step to be eligible.

Bonus entries are also available. You can get 1 entry each for doing the following:

Become a fan of GlowGirl
Follow It’s All Free Online on Twitter

Please note they are BONUS entries. The only thing you need to do to win is comment below with your favorite t-shirt, but bonus entries can’t hurt!

The giveaway is open to residents in the US and Canada. Entries are valid through Monday, December 7th at 11:59 PM PST.

Note: I received this product free for review. I was not monetarily compensated, but it is my honest review of the product. The contest is sponsored by GlowGirl.

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