Kontera’s Video Testimonial Contest

Kontera has launched a great contest, it only takes a short video to win. The contest is easy, the prizes are great, no reason not to join.

To Enter:

clipboard21.jpgCreate a video describing the benefits you have experienced using Kontera. The video can be up to 3 minutes long. Remember the best video wins, so make sure its good (funny helps too!). Upload your video to Youtube and send an email to Kontera (video@kontera.com).

Make sure you are a Kontera publisher or advertiser. If you’re not yet, it’s not too late to sign-up.


The winning video wins $500!

Second place video will win $250

Third place video will win $100

Not bad for 3 minutes (or less) of work!


The contest is running right now, so get recording! This one ends ends March 1, 2008.

For the complete details visit the Kontera Blog.

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