New Pampers Points Code and Giveaway
We have a great list of Pampers Gift to Grow codes that is updated whenever a new code comes out. Through the free codes (and some reader submissions given to me) I have been able to accumulate over 1,000 points at no cost to me!
Since my son is 5, I don’t have use for many of the items. Plus I’ve always wanted to give away what I’ve gotten. 1,000 was my target to give away a potty seat, however the winner can pick any item under 1,000 points and I will send it to them.
There are several items for 1,000 points or less like the potty seat I mentioned, as well as a Melissa & Doug Puzzle, $10 gift certificate, and more.
Don’t forget to enter the newest 10 point code NC3XPM9YRD49EMT!
To Enter: Comment below on which prize you want and why. You can view the rewards here.
One lucky winner will receive the prize that is valued at 1,000 points or less.
The giveaway is open to residents in the US. Entries are valid through February 23rd, 2011 at 11:59 PM PST.
My contest winners are always contacted via email. The winner will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is selected.