PearUp Sponsorships

Help me out by clicking here and participating in the tasks. For each one we get $ toward custom apparel for our little leaguers!
Get Sponsored by Pear
If you are interested in getting your team, group or event PearUp has different opportunities from different brands.
Molson Canadian is proud to sponsor all adult male and female hockey teams located in MI, MN, Northern OH, Western NY, Philadelphia, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, Chicago, IL and Boston, MA! Earn up to $1,000 free towards custom apparel or a direct nonprofit donation.
Miller Lite is proud to sponsor all adult teams in Columbus, OH & Chicago, IL! Earn up to $1,000 free towards custom apparel or a direct nonprofit donation.
U.S. Cellular is proud to sponsor K-12 groups and teams in participating U.S. Cellular locations nationwide! Earn up to $1,000 free towards custom apparel or a direct nonprofit donation. Nonprofits must be registered and verified.
Fios by Verizon is proud to sponsor all groups in select areas of NYC, Baltimore, and Philadelphia! Earn up to $1,000 free towards a direct nonprofit donation or custom apparel. Nonprofits must be registered and verified.
Your group can get up to $200 free toward custom apparel (such as t-shirts, uniforms, warm-up gear, hats and bags). How? By getting sponsored by CustomInk on Pear! This is the sponsorship I completed and I loved my CustomInk shirts! I would definitely participate in this one again.