Sponsor a Child – ChildFund

I love reading our readers stories about how they give back with samples, their items they score free with coupons, as well as other inspiring stories. We even have our own donation & giving roundup for more ideas.

Another way to give back is to donate $28 per month to ChildFund. You may have seen the commercials for it which are pretty sad. You can go online to ChildFund, sponsor a child and set-up your payment.

If you just can do it from time to time you can do a one time donation of $28. Each child has a different story, but essentially the same reasons for needing money.

A donation of $28 has been made by Its All Free Online.


I already got a letter from them I wanted to share…

ChildFund Letter

As some mentioned they weren’t sure where the donation would go. In the letter they claim 80%. I would assume from commercials etc that the more people they reach of course that 80% is more $.

When I posted this last week I got mixed feedback, I just wanted to share my experience so far.

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