SWASH Clothing Care System at Best Buy
With the SWASH system it can save you time, money, AND your clothes.
In as little as 10 minutes it can have your clothes looking fresh. That can save you time with excessive washing, drying, etc as well as money. You can essentially cut your dry cleaning bill in about half. With the gentle care it should even make your clothes last longer.
You can only get the SWASH clothing care system at Best Buy. On top of that if you are considering purchasing they have two deals you can take advantage of.
Buy any Whirlpool laundry pair, get $150 off Swash clothing care system. This deal will last until June 6th.
Then from June 7th through June 20th you can get a free $75 Best Buy Gift Card when you buy the SWASH system.
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.