Celebrating… Wait… 11,000 Facebook Fans!

Amazon $5

Update: Diana is our winner.

Throughout this week I’ve wanted to “celebrate” our 10,000 Facebook fan page milestone. About a week ago we hit our goal, since then we’ve done a few promotions. However checking the page today we are close to 11,000 fans!!

Today we are giving away another $5 Amazon gift card to one random person who comments on this post. Tomorrow we will be doing a contest with Nescafe, and Friday we will be giving out free Tony’s Pizza coupons.

Make sure to suggest our page to your friends so they don’t miss out on all the fun giveaways and free samples we’ve been sharing.

Also if you could stop in and vote for Charlotte, this is THE LAST DAY to vote. Any votes would be appreciated. Our friend Trisha has been trying hard for the last month to keep her in the top 50 (for a huge scholarship) so we want to help her out.

They added a “captcha” so when they ask for say 1st and 3rd letter you would type in ca. Pretty lame, but I think people have been cheating shame shame!

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