Target Up & Up Flushable Toddler Wipes Rebate Settlement

I’ve been getting asked for settlements, I apologize for not posting any lately. I will try to get more up for you to take advantage of.

If you purchased Target Up & Up Flushable Toddler Wipes between 4/18/2010 and 10/31/2014 put in your settlement claim. Click here and sign up for it. Make sure to choose ‘new claim’

You don’t need receipts and can claim up to $27 in Target gift cards (20 units at $1.35). If you have receipts there is no limit.

Just like most settlements it has to do with mislabelled packaging etc. All the info is in the claim so you can read about it if you want to know the details.

The claim period ends on 9/7/18. It is very important to remember you will not get your settlement until AT LEAST after that date. It does take a while, I would assume some time in 2019.

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